Friday, March 18, 2011


Sadie is doing great too! She is so funny, always saying silly things and acting crazy. She's at that age where she says funny things without realizing it. And when she thinks something is funny she says "That's kinda pretty silly!". She's learning to do real puzzles and absolutely loves them! She also loves playing games on the computer - she's becoming a total whiz at it! She knows how to navigate the entire PBS Kids website, its amazing! She loves to play outside and run around with her friends. She's getting big enough to appreciate going to different places too - like the circus! A little teeny tiny circus came to Yuma a few weeks ago, so we went with her friend Kale. It actually was a really really lame circus. The only animals it had were dogs and miniature ponies, but the kids liked it. We also have trips to the beach and the zoo in the works too, so I'm really excited to watch her experience those for the first time! She's our sweet, silly girl and we love her so much!

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