Friday, March 18, 2011


Peyton is getting sooo big! He is 6 months old now and still steadily growing! He wears 18-24 month clothes now! Crazy! He's doing really well though. He's been learning to sit up pretty well, and is eating baby food (and totally loving it!). We've had a couple of bouts with teething that have not been fun at all, but he has two teeth on the bottom now, and one on top that hopefully will pop through any time now. He's over the colic completely and doesn't spit up too much anymore, which is really really nice for his parents :) We got him a new crib and transferred him to his own room, and he's doing really well with it. He is super cute, with the sweetest personality and is such a joy to have in our family!

I started giving him water from a cup with his baby food (he won't drink from a bottle anymore). He absolutely loves it! Its really cute to watch him get so excited about it!

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