Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I made my own curtains!

Yes, the title is true - can you believe it? My mom and sisters should be proud of me! I made curtains for the front door without a pattern (granted - its a very, very basic style) and amazingly without any problems. I am very much a beginner at sewing. I enjoy it a lot (if I don't have too many mistakes that I have to fix), but I don't have much experience with it, so it was a total shock to take on this project, thinking it would probably turn out to be bigger and more difficult than I had originally thought, like most of my sewing projects do - only to find that it was faster and easier than I thought it would be, and problem free! So - these new curtains excite me! Here's a picture of them that you men may not find interesting, but you women might appreciate!

My new curtains!

And here's a cute little video of Sadie playing on the tiny patch of grass in front of our house. She's never really played in the grass before - she's never liked it - so it was cute to watch her get used to it. She was loving being outside though.


Sarah Sorrentino said...

Woooohoooo! I AM proud of you Katie. Isn't it fun?!! I miss having the time to make so much. I'm trying to get some pajama pants ready for Christmas--we're starting a new tradition of opening new p.j.'s every Christmas Eve. I just gag over the price of cute QUALITY p.j.'s. So, I think I might make them myself--we'll see if that gets done or if I end up paying a high price for some.

Take care.

Melinda said...

Good job Katie. I don't even have a sewing machine (actually, I don't have space for one...) That is an exciting project.