Friday, January 9, 2009

She's Growing Up!

Its so hard to believe how fast Sadie is growing. Its amazing to literally see her growing and learning right before our eyes! Concepts that used to be way over her head are starting to take root in her little mind and she's growing up! I've been feeling sentimental about a it a little bit these last few days for some reason - it seems like all of the sudden, she's hit a growth spurt - both in mind and body and she's understanding all kinds of new things and growing taller. She says "Da" now all the time for Tanner, nothing for Mom yet though :(. She eats at ton lately - almost as much as an adult; if she's not being picky! I can tell her to go get her bunny or her pacifier and she'll wander off to go find it and bring it back to me. She knows when we put shoes on that we're going outside, so she goes and waits by the door. If Tanner isn't home, but I say something about Daddy, she goes to our bedroom and looks around for him and if our bedroom door is closed, she goes and bangs on it. Yesterday, I watched her putting her animals in the barn that she has and every time she put a new one in, she would specifically turn it in her hands first so it would be standing right side up. If you tell her that a cow says "moo", she'll repeat it, but that's only her first one, she won't do any other animal sounds yet. If she hears someone clapping or cheering on tv, she'll start clapping and she's started dancing when she hears music or even if I sing to her. I've been around lots of growing kids before, but having your own child and teaching them these things and watching them learn it all on a daily basis is just so amazing to me. I love being a mother and I love being able to stay home with Sadie and I have to say that she IS the most amazing, beautiful, sweet little girl. Here's a couple pictures of our sweet growing girl.

Sweet Sadie


Sadie loves her Daddy!

Sadie got a new vacuum with a giftcard she got
for Christmas (thanks Cody and DuAnne!)
I guess its time to give her chores around the house! :)

Having fun with her new bouncy balls!

She crawled underneath our bed and was getting into boxes! Fun fun!

Silly Girl!


Sam said...

oh katie, she is getting big. Raina is just starting to put the bottle to her own mouth now. she is such a big girl. and a cutie. Sadie sure is cute too!

Tamera said...

Katie, Katie, Katie! I just love that you are experiencing the wonderful role of being a mother. I can tell that you are feeling things about your children that I feel about mine, some things you just can't fully put into words and explain to someone who isn't a parent themselves. I'm so glad that you can feel of the joy that I feel as a mother. Doesn't it just make you want to be more than you've ever thought you could be. She's adorable! Thanks for sharing!
Love, Tamera

Erica said...

Sadie sure is a cutie. It really is crazy when you realize just how quickly they are learning new things!