Thursday, October 30, 2008

Well we've finally done it.....

We've finally followed the crowd and started a blog. I've come to really enjoy reading everyone else's blogs, and since I email a lot of pictures and such anyway, I decided to go for it. Right now our family is enjoying the sunny weather in Yuma, AZ (sometimes its a little too sunny for us - we miss the fall weather of the midwest). Tanner is still in training with his job, but he'll be officially done at the end of next months so he is looking forward to that. I keep busy with Sadie, she's growing so fast and learning all kinds of new things! She's almost walking and can do things like blow kisses and say uh-oh. She even said Mama the other day - okay, so she was just repeating me, but she DID say it. So to begin my blogging experience I thought I'd post a couple of the most recent pictures/videos of Sadie. Enjoy and thanks for reading!

Sadie just looking cute!

And here's a cute movie of Sadie talking!


Kim said...

I am SOOO excited you've joined me in the blogging world! You have to leave comments on mine when you read so I know that you've checked it out. If you need the address just click on my name and it will take you to it.

Sam said...

Oh, Katie. I knew you would succumb one day. Welcome to the secret order of bloggers. Now we just have to get Matthew and Tamera and Sarah and Joe and Charlie to join us. Mwuuuhahahahaha!!!!

Sarah Sorrentino said...

Katie, Thanks for this---it's just what you needed! I always enjoy reading others, now I'll catch up on your family as well! I'm still not there yet with the whole blogging thing--it takes so much time which I've not got any of at the moment. But I'm glad you do;)

garynevels said...

Katie, Katie, Katie,
I knew you'd get there. It just took a while. Your blog is great! It ought to be a requirement that when a child leaves their parent's home, they are required to blog at least once a week, so their parents get to stay in contact. Your Mother and I really enjoy your blog and all the pictures of Sadie, you, and Tanner. Now we need to get all of your brothers and sisters to do the same. I haven't been good about leaving comments on the other blogs, but I'll try to do better. It's a great way to stay in touch. Maybe I can use this as an excuse to talk Mother into us getting a digital camera - so we can start a blog too.
Anyway, Thanks - we enjoy it.

Erica said...

We are so excited that you are blogging now! Caden totally loved the video of Sadie talking. He was really entertained when she knocked over the laundry basket. Go figure! We miss you guys, the apt next door is still empty :o(