Thursday, July 28, 2011

Finally - a new post!

So... I know.... its been forever since I've updated our blog. So I've got lots of stuff to post. We're doing really good though. The kids are growing fast and learning lots of new things. Tanner stays busy with work, and I try my best to keep up with the kids and house. I'm the 2nd counselor in Primary in our ward here, and I've had to teach this month, so that keeps me busy too! I've enjoyed it so far though - in spite of the late-saturday-night - trying-to-finish-my-lesson stress!:) Anyway, here are some pics of the kids, and be on the lookout for more posts to come!

Sadie waiting patiently for her dinner. ( I don't remember what it was, but she was excited about it and I was taking too long in making it! )

Yummm... fudgesicles!

She's our sweetie pie!

Peyton - he's all boy!

Cutie pie!

This is where Peyton can be found any time there's somebody outside. He always wants to go outside so bad!

Sadie didn't know I was taking this video. I just thought the dialogue she was doing for her ponies was really cute! Here's what she's saying in case you can't quite get it!
"Good bye! Good bye! I can't go with you. I can't go too. I'm going to Wendy's. Good bye. I'll miss you! (Kiss) I love you! I'll miss you! I have a lot of kisses today! Mmmmwah!"

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