Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Poor Girl :(

Sorry we haven't posted the last week or so, we've been keeping pretty busy. Sadie has been teething all four of her one year molars for the last several weeks, so she's been super fussy and clingy. On top of that she had a cold for a while, and then today she had a doctor's appointment and she had to get four shots! Poor thing! So she's getting spoiled - as you can tell from the picture.
There's nothing like watching a movie wrapped up in a blanket eating graham crackers and milk and looking at a magazine to help a girl feel better! She had just woken up from a nap and was having a hard time - that's why she has "sad eyes" :(

We did get her to smile today though - even though it's a little hidden behind her pacifier. Anyway, we'll try to post a little more this week to make up for lost time for our faithful blog readers!

1 comment:

Sam said...

I hope Sadie's hair stays all sticky up for a long time. Its funny!!